In-store operation
Through an intuitive and 100% touch screen interface, fully modular and customizable, the POS module represents the historic core of the ATELIER solution and nowdays allows you to perform all activities related to cash operations: sales, discounts, collections, returns, advances, good, goods in reservation and in vision.
Allows the issuing of pre-set and headed documents, with diversified layouts: electronic invoices, telematic commercial documents, lists, delivery notes and tax free invoices thanks to the integration with the main systems interfaced with Otello 2.0 (Global Blue, Planet, Stamp)
Integrated systems and cash machines
ATELIER supplies Epson cash machines already equipped with the integration module.
Further integrations such as Ingenico devices for the automation of credit card collections and people counting systems for recording store entrances in the ATELIER for strategic analyses, average receipts, conversion rates…

Omnichannel transfers and flows
Movements to other points of sale or warehouses for order fulfillment from omnichannel channels or for end-of-season returns.
There are control tools, which can be parameterized with different levels of checking, to verify and validate the entry of goods from other stores or warehouses.
Check availability and in-store reservations
Real-time check of availability in your store and in other stores or warehouses, with the possibility of “reserving” a specific size item from another store/warehouse in order to request its shipment.